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Finding Inspiration in the Holy Word:


The word of God serves as a source of stability and strength in these turbulent times. As society veers edges away from faith, it is vital to reinforce the spiritual armor that protects you, your family, and your loved ones. G & B Inspirational Cards helps you accomplish this by sharing inspirational messages with you through our cards and our 11 x 17 wall pictures. Based in Charlotte, NC, we spread the God’s word throughout the nation.

Our Inspirational Cards:


Sentimental greeting cards for every occasion where our words touches the heart of the reader. Our cards contain enlightening quotes from the Holy Bible, God's inspired word. By bringing such inspiring messages to you, we can help you grow healthy relationships with your friends and loved ones.

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Our Faith:

We believe that only through God and Christ can a people flourish and find salvation. The teachings of the Holy Bible provide direction for life, uplifting souls and directing lives.